Are you willing to generate some computer files to be used in the development of a new digital proficiency test being developed by Forensic Proficiency Testing Services (FPTS)?
For every 10 eligible files you submit to FPTS the Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (CSFS) will give you a discount code to use when making online payments for applying to be a CSFS member, renewing your subscriptions or attending a CSFS event of your choice. The more you do the better the discount will be. For more details please download the FPTS File Creation Specification Sheet (PDF).
For more details about the Forensic Proficiency Testing Services, please visit:
You can also find this generous offer from the CSFS on their website: Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences.
For more information please email:
The post Offer From The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences appeared first on Forensic Access.